Create or Edit Product Portfolio

You can create a new Product Portfolio to define the concept, business outcome and other details. After creating a Product Portfolio you can associate a product with it.

How do I create a Product Portfolio?

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform, navigate to Product Portfolios.
  2. Click + New Product Portfolio and enter the following details and click Create.

Provide a name of the product portfolio.


When the toggle is disabled, the product portfolio is private. If you have a tenant admin role, you can view a private product portfolio.

When the toggle is enabled, the product portfolio is publicly available, and can be viewed by a user with any role.

Description Provide information about the portfolio in terms of geographies or customer segments that the portfolio is created for.


After you have created a product portfolio, you can provide additional details of the product portfolio and then can create products, add releases, features, and phases to it.

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What's next?Create Product Portfolio - Additional Details